Sunday, May 25, 2008
Another monday another weigh in

What is the lap-band

The Adjustable Gastric Lap-Band is a restrictive operation where a small pouch is formed at the top of your stomach with the gastric band, connected to the band is your port where saline can be put into the band which causes the band to tighten which slows down the amount of food you can fit into your stomach.
This means you loose weight by restricting the amount of food you can fit in and makes you feel fuller longer. The other great thing is the band is done by key hole surgery so its less evasive than other weight loss operations also means you get back to normal quicker.
The lap band can also be removed if you wish and your stomach will go back to its normal size but You do not need to have the band removed instead you can have the saline removed from the band which allows you to fit more in and if you start putting weight back on you can have more put in which helps you keep the weight off in the long run.
The band is Available in all Australian States and is usually covered with private health cover if you have had it in 12 months or more.... The weight you loose will depend on you and the choices you make.... the band is no easy way out and it will only work if you are willing to put the hard work in and eat healthy and keep active.
I hope this helps those that are looking at having the lap band done there is allot of web sites out there that give information but i just thought a little write up may assist others in knowing what the lap-band is and why its such a positive approach to weight loss if you feel you have tried every thing else and failed. The diagram on the left is what the band looks like when its on a person.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Went and got a new do

Well on Tuesday I went to collonades to get my new scales and got some fat/water/weight ones for $39.95 at Big W, I dont mind them though they are 1kg heavier than the chemist ones. While out I decided to get my hair cut and its short again but it looks much better and very slimming to my face I will get a photo taken to show you all.
On Sunday We are getting Joshua dedicated at my parents church and after we are going to try and get that photo with joel and Joshy and I and hopefully joel will behave.... if that is possible he is just full of beans ( as you can see from the photo).
Well its 5am and freezing cold so I might go hop back into bed , I have a busy day today a appointment with centrelink and then food shopping which I have not done in 2 weeks, when your loosing weight I find that we dont need to buy as much.
Monday, May 19, 2008
That photo and other thoughts

Week 2 weigh in day

Today my Dad who is a photographer took some photo's of me and my boys but Joel would not behave he screamed the house down I will post that photo I promise its very um funny.
Other than that I feel very good i am now fitting into size 18's not the plus sized 18's the real store bought ones! I am very happy. I had expected the weight to come of faster since I have given up on icecream, icedcoffee, chocolate but i have still lost allot of weight.
Oh and tomorrow I am off to get those new scales ! and the photo is from the photo shoot today i cannot believe how different I look from the other photo's. I also posted a full bodied photo and in 2 weeks I do look smaller just a tiny bit but still smaller.
Week 1 since having my fill

I also found another lovely photo this time it is me when I was 15 years old I never realized how big I looked back then.
Time for a fresh start

Having children after being Banded

Meeting my prince charming

In 2001 , 3 months after having my Lap-band operation I was playing a online game called Everquest when I met a guy by the name of Tanvaras well that was his characters name.... at first i didn't like him much and I think the feeling was mutual but as I sat playing Tamica my own character I got to know him better.
Well one evening my mouth got the better of me and I said as a joke " One day you are going to marry me" I was so ashamed after and well what should I expect he told me to " get lost" but in more colorful aussie slang and well that would of been the end of that but we started chatting and.....
In September 2001 Tanvaras who's real name is Trent came to visit me in South Australia he was originally from NSW and well he never went home.I weighed at least 130kgs by this stage and he had seen photos of before when I wasn't banded and well he didn't judge me for my looks he said " he liked that I spoke my mind" and so I guess love works in weird ways at times because he sort of proposed in 2003 and what could I say..... I had fell deeply in love with this man.
On March the 6th 2004 we were married in a beautiful garden my son Adien walked me down the garden path with my father and we had my family and my close friends with me and it was a beautiful day. I wore a beautiful white wedding dress that Mum and I got off ebay from America for $170.00 dollers and I honestly felt like a princess for a day. We were taken by Limo to hyatt regency for our reception and at 12 we headed off to the hotel we had booked it well in advance 6 months in fact but they double booked us !!!! so at 12 at night Trent and I found another hotel to stay at for the weekend.... they treated us so well and even set up a romantic dinner with candles, heart chocolates and a special movie , so what nearly turned into a bad ending to a lovely day really turned out better than expected.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Once apon a time

Ok so this life of mine is no fairytale when not yet any way, My name is Lisa Cotter I am 29 and married with 3 beautiful sons Adien 11, Joel 15 months and Joshua 5 months old and I have a obesity problem.
Ok well I did have a obesity problem but after a near fatal asthma attack in 1999 I was told about the Lap-Band. I weighed 165kgs at the time and though it took me until 2000 to go and see Dr J Toouli I had decided long ago to do something. I met with Dr Toouli from Flinders private hospital here in Adelaide and then Nick Wray a dietitian and decided to go ahead with the operation.
2 days before easter 2001 I had my operation weighing 155kg's I was scared and what made it worst was a lady in the bed next to mine was having hers removed and telling me all the bad things.... I remember at 2 pm being taken down to the operation area to wait and seeing a women being wheeled out screaming well I so did not want to stay in that room I wanted to get up and run but the door was locked.... so i did my nervous giggle and went ahead with it and well I am glad I did.
My hope is that My blog will keep me motivated to loose the last of the weight and reach my goal of 75kgs and that it may also help others or keep you amused just maybe..... so if I have not scared you away already then keep reading.