Sunday, August 24, 2008
Im back
I am shocked to say I walked from the showgrounds in Adelaide to Adelaide city which took me 20 mins or so this week and its not a short distance it was a big walk and I didnt need to stop once.... or my ventolin. I also went to the Adelaide Markets and walked around looking at the different stalls and picking up bargains.
Oh well have a good week all :)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Wow 2kg loss back on track

Well I found out I had not lost 2kgs my son broke my scales and there not showing the correct weight.... so sorry folks... what a left down ! I now have to wait until I can get some new scales until I weigh my self again oh well maybe a break from weighing my self is a good idea.... atm its showing on the scales that I weigh 149kgs which is not correct and then it flashes and says 70kgs and well who knows.... I had looked at some weight watchs scales but I heard there not the best so Ill keep looking. Sorry all :)
Well I am on track and I lost 2kg's this week wow I havent done much different just havent been feeling the best. I have had a interesting week this week.... I have been looking at future plans with the weight loss and my friend zowie just happened to come over and she is having a tummy tuck done so I got to see all the paper work..... I have cancelled my appointment with Dr Giffan and I have booked in to see Margaret Anderson who comes to Christies Beach every 2 weeks which is much closer and she does it under the public system... so on the 3rd of Sept at 10 am I will find out all the ins and outs and find out how long I have to wait. Zowie has been told she will be done within 2 months so I may have it done this year, It would be very exciting if I could.
So with the 2kg loss I have 12.8kgs until I reach my goal weight of 75kgs and I have 13 weeks until the 28th of October so I am well on track at loosing that much weight by my birthday or be near to it.
I am also fitting into size 12's yes wow I have always looked at beautiful tiny clothing but never thought I would ever fit into it so I am very happy that now I can fit into it.
So the plan for the future of my weight loss is to : relook at my current diet and add more fruit and veg, keep to 1000 cal maybe a small ammount more, get back on track I have been having a few more chocolates than I need, make sure iced coffee is banned from the house ( Its one my problems).... and to keep the weight off as well as walking more faster and further.... and to give up smoking ! thats a big one I really need to.
well all have a nice week <3>
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Going through the public system for a tummy tuck

Well another photo and you can really see the difference in my face.... I only lost 400g this week but its still a loss and for 14 weeks now I have lost weight not put weight on so I am very pleased with how things have been going.
As you can see from the facial shot I have started to show some excess skin under my chin its one of my main problems I have allot of skin and I have been thinking about what to do about it.... I was going to go private for a tummy tuck but the cost is more than we can affored so this week I am going to see about getting a referral to getting it done at flinders medical centre. My tummy , back and chest area is the worst at the moment and though im so happy that I have lost 65.2kgs which is a massive ammount of weight I have to feel happy with my body also...... I have also started to get skin rashes that bleed and smell and my back really is starting to get sore.
But I am not going to make a firm decision until I meet with my local doctor and see if things can be done. So yes another loss :)